Rudi Slagter

NWT Youth Water Stewardship and Mentorship Grant Program



The NWT Youth Water Stewardship and Mentorship Grant Program provides funding to youth ages 18-30 years old to lead community projects and events that support the goals and vision of Northern Voices, Northern Waters: The NWT Water Stewardship Strategy (Water Strategy).
Youth engagement and capacity building in water stewardship are important for the continued success of the Water Strategy – ensuring the waters of the NWT remain clean, abundant, and productive for all time – and fostering future water leaders.

Available Funding

In 2024-2025, two types of projects can be applied for:

• Community Event: These are for short events (up to one or two days), and you can apply for a maximum of $1,000.

• Community Project: This funding is intended for longer, more complex projects, and you can apply for a maximum of $3,500. Community Project applications should include more information about the project idea and plan, including a detailed budget.

Other organizations in your community may also have funding or in-kind support that they can offer your project or event. Please note that any wages or honoraria to be earned by the applicant are not eligible for funding.


The application deadline has been extended. You can now apply until May 10, 2024. Projects must be completed before March 31, 2025.


Funding must be used prior to March 31 in any given year.

To be eligible for the program and to receive funding, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your project has a sponsoring organization that is eligible to enter a Standard Contribution Agreement with the GNWT and will administer funds if your application is successful.
  • Priority will be given to projects that clearly demonstrate how their project actively promotes water stewardship and engages their community or region in water stewardship activities.
  • You are between 18 and 30 years old and an NWT resident.
  • You will be the person leading the project.
  • Your project is supported by at least one mentor in the NWT, or you are open to having a mentor assigned to you.
  • You have a water stewardship project idea that will benefit a community or region in the NWT, including people and the environment.
  • Your project supports the vision and goals of the Water Strategy.
  • You are open to attending a quarterly Water Strategy Indigenous Steering Committee meeting and/or the Annual Water Stewardship Strategy Implementation Workshop normally held in Dettah in the fall of each year to explain the project or event.

How to Apply

  1. Fill out an application form. You are encouraged to work with your mentor to create a program that meets your requirements.
  2. Applicants are encouraged to leverage funds from other agencies to increase community involvement and program depth.
  3. You will be sent a confirmation email that we have received your application. If you do not receive this confirmation within one week, please send us an email letting us know that you applied but did not receive a notification (

Related Links

Contact Us

NWT Water Stewardship
Environment and Climate Change
PO Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
General Inquires
1-867-767-9234 Ext. 53142 / 53136